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The Sacrament of the Eucharist 

For Mass times please click here.

The Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Christian life.’ The other sacraments, and indeed all other aspects of the Church’s life, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself (CCC 1324).

Reception of the Eucharist for the first time completes a person’s reception of the Sacraments of Initiation into the Christian life. The Eucharist brings about our intimate union with Jesus Christ because it is a sacrament of love, with his Church because it is a sign of unity and with the very presence of the risen Christ who shares his life with us. As Jesus announced, ‘Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them’ (John 6:56).

The Sacrament of the Eucharist, which we receive at Mass, is the real physical and spiritual presence of Jesus Christ. As Catholics, we take Jesus at his word when he says ‘This is my body, which is given for you’ (Luke 22:19). Another way of putting this is that Catholics believe in the Real Presence. We believe that Jesus Christ is ‘present in a true, real, and substantial manner: his Body and his Blood, with his soul and his divinity (CCC 1413).’ When we compare the man who walked the earth some two thousand years ago with the consecrated Bread and Wine, the only difference is the outward appearance, the underlying reality is Jesus Christ our Lord.

Such is the intimacy that Christ desires with each one of us! In this union with Christ, we also have communion with all our brothers and sisters spread throughout the world (CCC 1398).

The Church celebrates the sacrifice of the Mass daily, but Catholics are obliged only to attend Mass on Sundays and a few other days of obligation. For this is how the Church wants us to observe the Lord’s Day, by gathering around his table as one family.

Would you like to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Holy Communion)?

In order to do so, the following are required:

  • You have been baptised or received into the Catholic Church
  • Children should have made their First Holy Communion
  • You have fasted for one hour beforehand (water and medicine do not break your fast)
  • You are not in an irregular marital situation, for example civilly married without Church endorsement
  • You have not knowingly committed serious sins since your last confession - all serious sins must be absolved through the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving the Eucharist

If you are unable to get to Mass, would you like to receive Holy Communion at home?

If you are unable to get to Mass because of sickness or incapacity, Fr Ethelbert would be happy to visit you at home or in hospital and bring you Communion.

If you cannot receive the Eucharist for any reason, you may make a Spiritual Communion asking God to grant you the graces of the Sacrament. Click here for some prayers you might like to offer for this purpose.

For further information on the sacrament of the Eucharist click here.

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Planning your Visit

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Welcome to our parish

We are pleased to have you as a member of our varied community. We have people from all walks of life and from many countries and we hope you will feel at home here.

Meet us at Tea and Coffee after Mass

Why not stay for tea or coffee after Mass on the first Sunday of every month - both at Hawkhurst and Goudhurst - and meet Fr Ethelbert and your fellow parishioners?

Parish Register

We would appreciate you filling out your details in the Parish Register form and returning it to us. You can do this by emailing a scan to the parish office, putting it in the post, or dropping it in to the Parish Office in person.


It would be great if you could help out the parish by volunteering. We have a lot of activities going on and it's a great way to meet others in the parish. If this is of interest, please download the Parish Volunteer form and return it to us as above.


We are self-financing as a parish and need to raise funds for all our needs. These include supporting our Priest in Charge, maintaining our buildings and funding our activities. We receive no subsidies from the Archdiocese or the wider church.

We would be most grateful if you would consider taking out a Standing Order to support us, ideally combined with Gift Aid. Applicable to those who pay income tax, Gift Aid allows us to recover any basic rate tax that you pay to HMRC, increasing the value of your donation by 25%.

If you would be happy to do this, please download the Standing Order form and return it to us as explained above.